Earth’s Time to Shine

By: Ditas Mendoza

Industry giants and eco-warriors making remarkable efforts in tackling the climate crisis and environmental conservation gathered together in Singapore last April 19 for the 2024 WWF Earth Hour Summit. Madelene Ortega, founder of TheOneHourProject (TOHP) was one of the attendees to this extraordinary event, which provided an avenue to exchange knowledge and perspectives in combating climate change and accelerating climate action.

TOHP recognizes the immediate need to address climate breakdown by inspiring everyone to take part in helping our planet thrive through volunteerism. We found organizations that encourage individuals and volunteers to look at trash in a new light which will benefit local communities whilst creating environmental impact for a cleaner, safer and sustainable world.

Ocean Purpose Project (OPP) is the newest addition to TOHP’s partner organizations founded by Mathilda D’Silva after a water pollution incident left her with an intense autoimmune condition. This inspired her to create a platform for unique projects that aims to solve ocean pollution crisis and prevent plastic pollution through its various projects such as the innovative use of seaweed and seashells to produce bioplastics and beach cleanups that convert ocean plastic waste into hydrogen and very low sulfur fuel oils. Want to know how you can become a volunteer and contribute to the wide range of OPP’s volunteering opportunities? Click here to know their standard operating procedures.

Soap Cycling is a non-profit organization that works with partner hotels to collect and recycle lightly used soap and bottled amenities that would otherwise go to waste.  With operations in Hong Kong and Singapore and a distribution hub in the Philippines, recycled soaps are given out for free to disadvantaged communities across Asia to improve sanitation and hygiene through handwashing. Become a Soaper Hero and take part in the preparation and distribution of recycled soap.  Sign-up and help raise the bar for hygiene, one soap bar at a time.

Repair Kopitiam is an initiative founded by the Sustainable Living Lab in late 2014 which was concerned with  the growing waste problem in Singapore. Challenged by the norm of discarding broken items which otherwise could still be restored to working order, Repair Kopitiam with their volunteer Repair Coaches began a community repair meetup event every last Sunday of the month where residents can bring their in-need of repair  items and get it fixed for free.  The initiative aims to mend and contribute to a greener and a more sustainable world. Volunteer as a repair coach and help someone restore  broken items by signing up here

Now is the time to give back to nature through volunteerism. Sign-up with TOHP to volunteer with our partner organizations and start creating ripples of positive change one hour at a time. 
