Volunteerism in Asia: Embracing New Ways of Giving

By Madelene Ortega, Founder of TheOneHourProject

The landscape of volunteerism is undergoing significant transformation, driven by changing societal needs, technological advancements, and evolving motivations among volunteers. The United Nations Volunteer Knowledge Portal notes that as of 2022, thirteen Asian countries have enacted legislation to support and promote volunteer activities. This is incredible progress. In Singapore, the 2023 Giving Survey reveals a resurgence in volunteerism, with rates returning to 30%, mirroring pre-pandemic levels. The report also highlighted the growing popularity of micro-volunteering and skilled volunteering, both in-person and virtual, is creating exciting new opportunities for engagement and impact.

Here are some of the exciting avenues that are evolving volunteerism in Asia:

Rise of Microvolunteering.  Microvolunteering, characterized by short, flexible, and often virtual tasks, has gained popularity, especially among younger demographics. This form of volunteering allows individuals to contribute meaningfully without the need for long-term commitments, fitting well into their busy schedules. With the growing digital connectivity in Asia, virtual volunteering opportunities will likely increase, allowing volunteers to help nonprofits anywhere in the region.

Volunteerism and the SGD 2030 Goals. These two are becoming increasingly intertwined. With the growing awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, more volunteer programs, especially corporate volunteering, are aligning their efforts with these global goals. The United Nations Volunteer Knowledge Portal reported that thirteen Asian countries have enacted legislation to support and promote volunteer activities, including national policies and strategies that align with the SDGs. This alignment is expected to drive more volunteer engagement and advocacy efforts in the region.

Focus on Skilled volunteering. This type of volunteering, where professionals offer expertise to support non-profit organizations, has also increased. Individual volunteers are motivated by the opportunity to use their skills for good, gain new experiences, and enhance their professional portfolios. This trend highlights the importance of leveraging specific skill sets to address complex community needs.

The OneHourProject has seen increased activity—both intention and action—from individuals and corporations to participate in skilled volunteering opportunities. In parallel, there is a high demand for digital marketing and social media support from nonprofits in Asia. Nonprofits and groundups have lean marketing teams and need help navigating new platforms, especially social media channels, to reach more audiences and garner support for their advocacy.

What the future holds. Looking ahead, the future of volunteerism lies in fostering a culture that values flexibility and impact. According to NVPC’s Giving Survey in Singapore, “Time-related constraints were the most commonly cited reason for not volunteering in 2023.” Organizations must adapt to these evolving preferences by offering diverse and accessible volunteer opportunities and enhancing volunteer satisfaction through clear roles and regular feedback.

The OneHourProject champions new ways to give back, even with limited time. As an organization promoting ad-hoc and micro-volunteering, we work closely with our nonprofit and groundup partners to turn projects into smaller, more manageable tasks so we can attract more support, especially skilled volunteers.  The potential is vast, but so is the responsibility. To sustain the momentum and to scale this form of giving, we need to become better stewards of ad hoc and skilled volunteerism. We continue to work towards this responsibility, and we challenge ourselves every single time.

If you are ready to get involved, check out our July opportunities.
