INSPIRING A Children-Plenty and Children-Friendly Community

I Love Children builds strong and loving families.

By Mavell Macaranas-Dojillo


Volunteering is a vital catalyst for uplifting lives and enriching communities. It offers indispensable support to those in need and generates a positive ripple effect that resonates throughout society. However, the profound impact of volunteering extends beyond the recipients of aid. Volunteers often discover that the act of giving, whether it’s an hour of their time or more, rewards them with personal growth, fulfillment, and a deeper connection to their community.

Chryssie Tang and Her Role at I Love Children

Chryssie Tang, the Operations Manager at I Love Children, aptly describes her role as “inspiring,” and we could not agree more. The sentiment aligns perfectly with the remarkable work of this 18-year-old social service agency.

I Love Children’s vision of “A Singapore that is children-plenty and children-friendly” has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of the community, sparking a movement that encourages couples to prioritize parenthood and provides invaluable education on fertility health. Moreover, it offers help to individuals grappling with fertility or parenting challenges, providing the resources needed to overcome these obstacles.

With all that they do, Chryssie is particularly proud of their organization’s impact in transforming individuals and families. In an interview with theOneHourProject, she said: “Witnessing couples who struggled with fertility issues achieve their dream of becoming parents brings me immense joy. Seeing the positive changes in their lives, the sense of fulfillment they experience, and the loving families they create is incredibly rewarding.”

Chryssie is dedicated to the positive change they bring to people’s lives, inspiring them to embrace parenthood and “build strong, loving families.” It’s precisely what drew her to join I Love Children in the first place. She beams with pride as she talks about how the organization aligns perfectly with her values and allows her to make a difference in the lives of families in Singapore. “The opportunity to contribute to an organization that aligns with my values and allows me to make a difference in the lives of families in Singapore was truly inspiring,” she added.

Fostering Work-Life Balance and Celebrating Parenthood

Parenting is a demanding journey, and one of its biggest challenges, especially for mothers, is continuously nurturing the family without losing themselves in the process.

Breastfeeding, in particular, is a demanding task, and although celebrating World Breastfeeding Week last August was significant, it might be worth considering its relevance in this context. Nevertheless, it’s essential to hail the resilience of women who bear the weight of nurturing families. This year’s observance, coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), highlighted the relationship between breastfeeding and employment, aiming to support working mothers in achieving a work-life balance, which is truly admirable.

In conclusion, be inspired by the enduring commitment of I Love Children, Chryssie Tang’s journey of change, and the unwavering spirit of family. Together with I Love Children, theOneHourProject provides an avenue for those who care about the cause and have, even just an hour to spare, to join the movement. Sign up here and share your parenting journey to help inspire others as a family writer or vlogger.
